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by May 21, 2019


Overall, the Funds’ investment objective are to achieve a real rate of return on funds under management in order to meet the various objectives as set below. The major investment objectives of the Fund are to:

  • To provide members and their dependents with the benefits or pension promised in the rules of the Fund.
  • Maximize the investment returns subject to an acceptable level of risk allowable under each investment option;
  • Offer Trustees of the Fund a suitable range of investment strategies taking into account the Funds’ membership and their attitudes towards investment risk;
  • Provide competitive investment returns comparable to investment returns for other similar investment options, bearing in mind the administrative and management costs associated with the Funds’ investments;
  • Provide a suitably diversified investment strategy which will meet the risk/return profile of each member;
  • Target a reasonable level of income replacement ratio of approximately 60-80% of the Member’s Final Pensionable Salary at retirement for Members who join the ZEIPF before the age of 30 years (or an equivalent replacement level of service if the member had joined the Fund at that stage), and
  • Comply with Investment Policy Statement asset allocation set benchmarks as advised from time to time.
  • To invest responsibly so as to ensure solid and sustainable long term growth of the Funds.